Sunday, February 8, 2009

Black Roses

My favorite flowers are roses-Black roses.Black because they are very unique and they have deep meaning.There can be several reasons for sending black roses but whatever the reasons the black roses are simply perfect for every occasion. The black roses are called so because of their dry and dull appearance. The red roses that are dried for many months making use of a unique dying method turn dull and black in color and are therefore called as the dead roses.The dead roses generally signify the end of a relationship
The unexciting and lifeless roses that are also known as the black roses can also mean gloominess in ones life, which in spite of fading away can bring joy and cheer to every heart that receives a black rose. There has also been an extensive use of black roses in novels in ancient times. Black roses although do not exist as black in color but a dark color of the roses like the deep red ones are generally referred to as black roses. The black roses have various names like the ‘’Black Beauty”, Black Magic, Black Baccara and the like. Every rose has got a meaning of its own and people express their innermost feelings in various ways.

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