Thursday, March 12, 2009


Saw the 1st and the 2nd
This parts of the movie influences on our Reptilian brains.It keeps you all the time intended...
1.The symbol:of this movie is the SAW's face(mask) with red cheeks,white face,black hair...He looks funny,but the film isn't funny at all...
2.Humor:I don't know why I always laugh while watching this movie...I think it's because of adrenaline,when there happen unexpected parts in the film...
3.Bad influence:This movie has bad sides.I think Many people,who have sick imagination,will follow to this film and will become psychopaths(nothing personal).And don't allow your children to watch this kind of films till they become brave enough to do it!
4.The Plan:This movie's plan is this:The saw makes different tramps for his victims and waits when finally someone from them will survive.His aim is to make people think about their lives and not to waist the time on stupid things like drinking,drugs,stealing...
5.My opinion:well,I like this movie.It keeps me exited all the time.My favorite person from this film is 'Amanda'.She is very brave and smart.She is the 1st who survives in the game.But she becomes saw's helper.In the Saw the 3rd she dies...


  1. Black Raven,

    Nice work on identifying the persuasive techniques in this TERRIFYING film. And it makes you laugh?



    Go DOTCOM,


  2. This Movies are perfects, but it´s funny, here, in Brazil, they are called -Mortal Games-!!



  3. WuuuuuuuuuuuHuuuuuuuu!!!I like this movie so much that I'm ready to watch it again and again!!!!It's STRANGE it makes me laugh too!!!)))))

  4. WWWWAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! interesting video, Yeva!!!!
